Improving Sleep

How to use Improving Sleep

1. Press 'Get started'.
2. Answer four short questions about how you've been sleeping recently.
3. Click 'Learn more' to get tips related to your results.
Struggling to do the exercise?
The advice provided by Improving Sleep is not meant to be a perfect fit for everyone. Not every suggestion works for all living situations, so if you're struggling to follow some, pick a different tip.
If you feel that stress or anxiety is getting in the way of having a good rest, you may want to try other Small Step tools with Improving Sleep.
What is Improving Sleep?
Sleeping well is essential to our mental and physical wellbeing. Improving Sleep is a quick quiz that helps you get started on your journey to achieve this. The quiz involves you answering a few questions before getting tips on what you can do before, during, and after sleep.